Monday, April 12, 2010

5 Things You Must Know About Men's Short Hair Styles

Why have you searched for men's short hair styles? You know that short is attractive for your head. Short hair styles will take your handsome factor to the stratosphere. Short hair works for attracting women, getting noticed at work, the gym, and will even give you a sharp look for a job interview. Done right, your image will get that edge you're looking for.

Believe it or not, a Yale University study shows that men with short cuts appear more attractive to both the male and female eye. Men's short hair styles are versatile. They're awesome because you can get a sharp sophisticated/handsome look or even the bad boy image...All with one hair style.

Great Ideas For Teen Boys Hairstyles

5 things you must know about men's short hair styles are:

1. No flat tops. Notice all the volumizing products for men that are coming out? Well, these companies have done their research. A men's hair cut that's flat, well, flat out stinks! Don't be lazy and get a short cut so you can leave it flat. Never comb all your hair down. If you are lazy, go with a buzz or military cut. Buzz cuts (tell your hairdresser - "#2 or #3") are in.

2. Keep the sideburns simple. You may have super-long sideburns like certain celebrity Nascar drivers. Keep yours short and simple...Unless you're a celebrity and can do whatever you want. Side-burns that reach down to the length of your ear lobe are OK. Remember that men's short hair styles will give you a clean cut look. Don't ruin it with super-long, super-bushy sideburns. If long sideburns do suit your face, then remember to groom them. Trim the hair on your sideburns every week.

3. Flip Up. The Yale University study I was referring to earlier also mentioned...The most attractive perceived men are those with short cuts and the front flipped up. This will boost your hair's character. Check out Brad Pitt's hair when it was short, Robert Pattinson aka Edward from Twilight (it's a little long but the front is way up) and other celebrities with short styled hair.

4. Mens short hair styles require superb men's grooming. Your face gets noticed more and shorter hair brings out features that long-hair doesn't. It's easy for people to notice neck hair for men with short hair cuts. So be sure to use an electric shaver and get rid of your back neck hair every week or 2 weeks.

Use a heavy-duty face scrub for men. Create your own natural exfoliating face scrub or use Nivea For Men Facial Exfoliating Scrub. Your facial grooming has to be top-notch with men's short hair styles.

Choose The Best Hair Style

Ultimate Men's Short Hair Styles Today

5. Today's ultimate men's short hair style is the fohawk. I have one myself. The fohawk style is unreal and it'll do wonders for you. If you can pull it off (any good hair dresser can if you shower him or her a picture) you'll drastically improve your appearance.

Here's a men's short hair styles secret for you. Most guys who have the fohawk do it all wrong. They put too much product in their hair. Here's the trick: After you shower (be sure to shampoo and condition your hair) blowdry your hair in the shape of the fohawk haircut. This way, your hair will be set in place already under the fohawk shape. You'll only need to use a little bit of product to define the hair style and set it in place.

The fohawk style works on a lot of guys...Not just jocks if that's what you're thinking. I've seen overweight, underweight and average build men show theirs off with confidence. But I would suggest being fit and having some workout routine (even if it's jogging) to keep your face young and well-defined. It compliments the fohawk so much more.
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Best Looks For Your Hair Styles

There are many different types of men's hairstyles and of the many hair styles specific they will differ depending on your hair. One of the more popular cuts over the years is the crew cut and it has many variations. This men's hairstyle is typical of the military. This requires very little maintenance. The versions of this include the high and tight version and extra short.

The classic cut is called this for a reason as it is always in fashion. The shape and length of this cut can differ depending on a guy's personality and is best for professionals. This is a great formal hairstyle for men and tends to give a man a sophisticated and mature look. The trademark of this cut is the part on one side of the head.

Athletes, sportsmen and soldiers tend to favor the buzz cut. This cut is very short everywhere and requires no styling what so ever. The classic tapered hairstyle is perfect for men with medium length hair. This has tapering on the back and sides and is longer on the front so that the hair can be brushed back. There is also a messy hairstyle that is very good for men with thinner, medium length hair. Think of this as the just out of bed look. This style possible requires the most maintenance.

Men with curly hair tend to have problems styling is and they can have difficulty finding a good men's hairstyle. If you have medium length curly hair then what is known as the Jude Law natural works well. This is a variation of the tapered cut and the length should be just long enough so that the tips curl. If you have long curly hair then the surfer is a great, casual hairstyle. If you have long hair then the car and hairstyling will take more time and you will need to properly care for your hair.

Many men have problems when trying to straighten their curly hair. The best way to deal with this is to get a stylish haircut and not trying to straighten your hair. You need a cut that will properly define your curl pattern. With curly hair you also shouldn't wash it daily but wash it every few days. Curly hair also requires good conditioning.

For men with thinning hair shorter hairstyles are always a good choice to conceal the thinning or bald spots. A shorter cut makes your hair look thicker. Though if you are thinning on the sides then a longer hairstyle on the top and back can also look good.
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